Tuesday, August 11, 2015

...solidarity sister...

We're coming up on six years of solidarity. I cannot even tell you how excited I was to be bringing a person into the world who did not need to stand to pee. It's not that I didn't already love the boys in my life, it was just nice to know I was going to have a ally at the end of it all. I have been blessed beyond measure with this solidarity I was given almost 6 years ago...

I speak of her often mainly because she speaks, OFTEN. She has no filter, and while sometimes that can be maddening, other times it is just what I need at the end of the day. Her wisdom is beyond her years and her ability to cut right through a situation is something I hope she never looses. She understands the necessity of being able to understand that sometimes life is not fair, even when she's angry that she doesn't have a penis...her exact words...ah, the life of being out numbered.

She starts school this year on her birthday, for that I am grateful. I'm hoping it helps to quell her separation anxiety. She's excited about school lunch, and she's been told to make friends with the lunch ladies, they are some of the best people when you are a kid. The only thing she fears currently is the fact that at some point they'll be serving green beans, "...my arch nemesis!" as she calls them. We went to school today to drop off school supplies and it turns out her teacher has a birthday this week too. They decided to celebrate their birthdays on the teacher's birthday because it's on Friday, to which Nora asked if there would be dancing? I don't envy her teacher...

While the birthday short list included a treadmill, she has decided that she will ask for a metal detector for Christmas...who wants to get all the big stuff at once? She might be disappointed at her gifts. She finally decided on what sort of birthday cake she wants, and I have to say it will be a cinch! It seems the older they get the easier their requests are. She originally wanted to eat at a truck stop for her birthday dinner, because she likes the spaghetti and meatballs there. But, the boys have talked her into a family favorite Italian place.

I'm sure that the word "karma" comes into play at times with her antics, but it's just who she is. The things that come out of her mouth, well I wish I could make this crap up, but it's all her. Her brain is sometimes going 88 miles an hour, but her heart is almost as big as she is. She was the first person I saw Jason physically melt over...even if she screamed at him the first few months of her life during her late night feedings. My one wish for her, of which I cannot give her, is for her to see how crazy Jason was about her. How just plain stupid he would get around her, because she had seriously pinched a special place in his heart. My hope is that one day, she will find another man who adores her as much as he did. However, I know I am guaranteed a forever best friend, my solidarity sister...my Nora...

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