Monday, April 3, 2017

...enjoying the journey

Who are you? What do you want to be? Where do you want to go? What do you want to do? These questions sort of rattle me every once in a while. I try not to ask my kids these questions because frankly, they are too difficult to answer, unless you are going to the bathroom or baking a cake at the time of question. My beautiful friend gave me a bracelet that simply says, enjoy the journey. I wear it when I need to remind myself to keep my chin up. And wearing it I am reminded that without such friends the "journey" wouldn't be half as satisfying.

I find it oddly exhilarating to think that a year from now, I will have no children in my house on a Monday for 7 hours. I feel giddy just thinking about it. I love my kids, but the notion that I would be alone is an oddity. At times I find myself not remembering what life was like before I had kids. Did I ever pee alone? Did I ever do one load of laundry a week? Did I ever think I would buy this much ranch dressing? I'm constantly reminded of what a friend of mine told me a few years ago. Bogged down with being a single mother, not showered, little adult interaction, tired and scared, he said to me, "Don't forget who you started out being, the girl I met all those years weren't always what you are today, sometimes you need to be reminded of that...". It has stuck with me years later. It is a gut and a reality check when sometimes reality is stranger than fiction.

I have been treading water for the last four years. I feel like I've mastered the tread. I can see the waves coming and I try to prepare myself. What I cannot seem to figure out is the breathing part. I seem to lose my breath at the worst possible times, and inevitably I end up screwing up something that really wasn't that difficult in the first place. Where is the balance in life? How does one find that? I get a dozen odd magazines, not one has chronicled the notion of balance and single motherhood. The perfect gluten free pizza crust? Yes. The best exercise for core strength? Yes. Feng shui with bathroom waste baskets? Yes. Any and all of these do me little good. I have been told the answers are within. I have no subscriptions to patience magazine.

Being a mother of four, the vulpine instincts perpetually kicked in, you would think that I had mastered some form of patience. It's more like a sliding scale really, usually calibrated by the season, hormones and the phase of the moon. But then, there's that one afternoon, with nothing to do. I declare it a $5 or free day. You would think that concept would not need explaining, but Oscar couldn't quite get his head around it. Before we backed out of the driveway, again, he was questioning. I looked at him and said, "We are going to drive somewhere and have fun for $5 or less." He said, okay. And for one afternoon, we laughed, told stories, ate frozen yogurt and just got out of the house. It was one of those moments that you catch yourself not hearing an argument or bickering without electronics, it was splendid.

I might have mastered the tread, and my patience is sometimes fleeting, but getting handed a moment of clarity, reminded me of who I am. I am proud to be a overly verbal mother of four, grateful for the experiences I have been able to have and the people that I am blessed to meet. Not knowing what tomorrow will bring, despite throwing my control freak tendencies into hyper drive, is for the best. I have begun to understand that all of the things that I think you need to figure out or worry about, are getting in the way. Be it $5 or free, take the time to enjoy the journey.

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