Thursday, October 12, 2017

" I getting paid for this?"

In an effort to understand, survive and coexist with the burgeoning teenagers in my house, I have begun making a list. Some of the things that cannot be placed on this list are facial expressions, eye twitches that are definitely voluntary and the utter lack of a human mute button. The things my teenagers say are so plentiful, I know I must block some of them out just as a survival mechanism. The following are just a few gems I have heard this week. If you are a parent of a teenager, good luck, God's speed and try to stay out of the liquor cabinet.




The things that teenagers say...Volume I


" is against the law to want to mentally throw me out of the car."


"...I don't need to wear my retainers, the orthodontist was wrong."


"...I can't be expected to use the same towel two days in a row, anyway, what's the big deal?" (Upon me seeing six towels on the bathroom floor)


"...what is the big deal with picking that up for me?"


" opinions on parenting matter."


" I getting paid for this?"


"...why can't I have something else for dinner?"


" is an invasion of my privacy to look at my phone."


"...I am never moving, and you should think about that if you decide to."


"...I'm just helping him get to the next level." (While grounded from his iPad and on his brother's)


" can't expect me to remember to (insert common hygiene action here) on my own"


" might have been in eighth grade, but it's different now."


"...I need special toothpaste."


" told me what I couldn't eat, you didn't tell me what I could"


" chore list is old, I thought I was only supposed to do that for two weeks"


"...clearly, that teacher has it in for me, she expects me to work harder than the rest of the class"


"...what's the big deal?" (Possibly the worst/most used expression from his age group)


"...but why?" (Second worst/most used expression from his age group)


"...are you going to wear that?" (While he's wearing 3 different patterns and has his socks pull up)


"...but I'm getting gum, why do I have to brush my teeth?"


"'s fine." (When asked a specific question)



I know I'm only scraping the surface with these...please feel free to add to this list as necessary. Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Oh How I remember these. I also have a fond memory of my junior high daughter telling her PhD father that he clearly did not understand how to do math. He only took graduate level stats.
