Reality...what does that even mean anymore? I could sit here and blame social media, television, ahem-bloggers...they have all slightly skewed what reality means to all of us. Do I really care if you just ate a handful of almonds? But, it was a fact of existence and your reality stated to you that it was indeed noteworthy. The concept of reality has changed in my brain over the last year. I'm not saying it's for the better or worse, it's just my understanding of my everyday doesn't stop when I want a doesn't 'soft-kitty' me when I'm having a bad times, it doesn't even allow me to use the bathroom without being terrified what (in the brief 1.4 minutes it happens) I might find Atticus doing when I open the bathroom door...maybe my reality states I should be grateful I even get to shut the door?
Nora's reality? She's a consummate noise maker...whether it be idol conversation or just the need to be making some sort of noise. Sometimes it's joyful, sometimes it's nerve racking, sometimes she doesn't even know she's doing it...seriously, it's rare for her to just be quiet. Her latest achievement, besides being a noteworthy party planner for all her stuffed animals, she whistles. Morning, noon, and night. Partly because she can, partly because it's a new trick, and partly because at this point it's almost an unconscious act...only upside? I never have to wonder where she is...
Atticus' reality? He will no doubt drive me crazy before he even enters kindergarten. He is fast. He is sly. He is sneaky. He loves to dig in the trash. He is nimble. He is smart. He has excellent hand eye coordination. He loves to snack. He is a great climber. He has no fear of heights. He is nearly impossible to wear out. His reality is that of pushing the limits at all times, and my only hope is that one day he works in a liquor store that has a sizable staff discount.
Oscar's reality? Orthodontia. I never knew until this morning that that word is also loosely translated into the phrase- you will pay us a bodily organ for some straight teeth...and we give a sibling discount of $100. Really? They might as well have said a penny as I dollar cost averaged four kids with braces in my head. While I know he is responsible enough to handle it, and he has a head full of teeth like that of someone 4 years older than him, he will only have to wear them for two years. In those two years his reality will also be subliminally cemented in him that he will take care of his teeth, and then set up his mother in her twilight years with something 'pretty'.
Abe's reality? Resident wise guy. Don't get me wrong, he is the most tender, loving, caring kid in the world...but a smart-ass-sash should be fashioned for him in the very near future. He has always had timing, but it always sort of came naturally, and was easily excused as, "...he's just a kid...". Now this morning, however, my anxiety was heightened as I heard him saying to our noise maker (aka Nora), "...idiot says what?". Seriously? As if she needs more material to drive me crazy through the day. Then my anxiety turned to terror at the thought of Abe being cocky enough to say that to the WRONG person at school. I hollered from the kitchen sink (seriously, I'm there from sun up to sun down), "...Abe if you aren't looking to get a beat down from me or someone else, I suggest you never say that phrase again...".
Facts of existence...that's what we are talking about. We've all thought about someone at one point in time, "...they are out of touch with reality...". Now, however, my understanding of that statement has changed. In actuality, it's at times a very personal thing. Mine does not have to mimic theirs, or theirs mine. I am reminded of this every day. My daily 'reality' is at times not for the faint of heart. I do what I have to do, try to have a little fun, perhaps not the most conventional mother, daughter, sister, friend, but it's my fact of's MY daily way of living that has to push me from sun up to sun down, and do it all over the next day. Yes, my life would be different if I weren't a 37 year old widow with four kids. However, that is not a reality. Such facts of existence cannot be changed, put on hold, or ignored. You hope for the best at the beginning of each day, as that's all you can do. For those who don't understand you, you fight the urge to say, "...idiot says what?", as you are in line selling plasma to raise money for the orthodontia fund...
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