There's something about leaving your familiar surroundings and changing it up a little. I never used to be this way. I would rarely go out, voting for mom wear, watching TV on a Saturday night. Home is where it's comfortable, right? I'm not sure if it's because I'm out numbered here. I'm not sure if it's because I don't have enough adult interaction during my day to day. I've said it before, and I'll continue to say it...sometimes you have to go away for a little while to appreciate where you are...
This could mean a multitude of things. Mentally checking out? Yeah, I'm guilty of that at a certain time of day. At times about 45 minutes before I actually should. Sometimes it's getting engrossed in a project that is special to you. Sometimes it's closing the door, turning off the light and being able to hear nothing more than the sound of your own breathing. Then there are those times, when you have to get out of your mom gear. Jason used to always ask, "...who are you getting all dolled up for?" I used to say it was for him. But really, it was for me. You slap on a little make-up. Wear your high heels. Get out of your house and look forward to not only being with friends, but also talking to complete strangers.
Mingle with the people!...those who are over 5 feet tall. I was told by a psychic one time, the only way she saw me being able to really unwind is if I weren't in the solitude of my own room, but in a room FULL of people. I found that odd when I first heard it, but she was sort of right. She probably knew that already too. It's nice to escape, if for only a scant couple of hours. No one knows you are some one's mom. No one knows you do 2+ loads of laundry a day. No one is wise to the fact you can change a diaper with your eyes closed. No one knows that while you are busting a FAT MOVE to a vaguely awesome cover band, you are mentally calculating how you will drive by a gas station on your way home to get doughnuts for tomorrow's breakfast.
There's always a moment. That moment when I'm getting ready to leave the house. I kiss my kids goodbye, and look at them...really look at them. In that moment, I hope they know I'm better for having them. While I'm tired of their bickering, tattling, rough housing that day, and I started earning a night out before the sun came up. As soon as I cross the thresh hold out our door, I enjoy the silence, but sort of miss them already. Hoping they understand, sometimes I have to go away every once and a while to really appreciate where I am...
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